GAR Records
Col. Charles H. Town Post #8
Ishpeming, Marquette County, Michigan

Organized September 17, 1889

This Post was named to honor Colonel Charles H. Town of Marquette. He entered service, at organization, as Captain of Company B, 1st Michigan Cavalry on August 8, 1861. He was commissioned as Major, August 22, 1861 and was wounded in action at Bull Run, Va., August 30, 1862. He was commissioned Colonel September 30, 1862. He was discharged for disability, on account of wounds received in action, on August 17, 1864.

Fourteen Charter Members were mustered.

The first Post Commander was O. B. Robinson who enlisted as a Private in Company A, 3rd Vermont Infantry on May 16, 1861and was discharged July 25 as 1st Lieutenant of Company B, 3rd Vermont Infantry.

In 1889 the Post met at the AOWW Hall on Clev. Avenue, Anderson’s Hall at Main and Pearl June 30, 1892; Hose House No. 2 on 7th Street in 1898 and in June 1901 the location is stated as Council Rooms, City Building, at Main and Division. The Report of June 30, 1912 states:
“Post meetings are held either on the first or second Friday evening each month depending on shift on which members work in the mines.”

The last report of this Post was filed December 31, 1926 and indicated there were two members in good standing.

The last Commander was Thomas Nelson who served as S-M, Company K, 60th Indiana Infantry.

The Post was disbanded in June, 1929.

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Last updated on June 18, 2007 8:43 PM - webmaster