NEW! - "Having 501(c) (4) Tax Exempt Status. “Donations to the Department of Michigan - Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, its Camps, or Sons of Veterans Reserve Units operating within the Department of Michigan, Are Tax Deductible.” About the Gilluly-Kingsley Camp No. 120 Provided leadership for campaign to place a Michigan Historical Marker on the Richmond, Kentucky battlefield. The Marker will commemorate the valor and sacrifice of the men and officers of the detached battery of the Michigan 1st Light Artillery that were engaged on August 29 and 30, 1862. Plans are being finalized for the marker to be dedicated on the battlefield before August 30, 2012, the sesquicentennial of the battle. Members of the Camp continue to be involved in the research and documentation of Civil War veterans graves registration in Livingston County and actively support other Camps in their efforts when local resources are requested to be provided. "Fowlerville goes to War", the third of a series of books profiling the biographies of the men and officers from Livingston County that participated during the Civil War has been published by brother Richard Hutchins. The fourth book completing the series is in its preliminary draft stage. Camp members participate in outreach activities by assisting local historians and associations develop and tell the stories of veterans of the Civil War in their newsletters and by appearing as guest speakers at community meetings.
Camp No. 120 meets at the American Legion, 3265 W. Grand River, Howell, MI,
on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00PM. Please contact the
Commander or the Camp Secretary for more up-to-date information.
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of Michigan, Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, a Congressionally
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